Sentry Integration

Mobu integrates with Sentry differently than most other apps, because the unit of work isn’t a request like in a web app, it’s an iteration (or part of an iteration) of a business. As a result, some things are different about this Sentry integration.

Scopes and transactions

Isolation scopes and transactions are created manually. All tags and contexts are set on the isolation scope, and any exceptions are manually captured in the monkey runner loop.

  • There is one isolation scope for every execution of a business’s run method.

  • There is one transaction for every execution of a business’s startup method.

  • There is one transaction for every execution of a business’s shutdown method.

  • For NotebookRunner businesses, a transaction is created for every notebook execution.

  • For other businesses, a transaction is created for each invocation of their execute methods.


We add tags to the fingerprint of every event sent to Sentry to force the creation of separate issues where only one issue would be created by default. For example, we add notebook and cell ids to the fingerprint to force different issues (and thus different notifications) for errors from different notebooks and cells.

Traces sampling

The sentry_traces_sample_config/sentryTracesSampleConfig option can be set to:

  • A float, in which case it will be passed directly to traces_sample_rate when initializing Sentry, and only send that percentage of transactions to Sentry

  • The string “errors”, in which case transactions will be sent to Sentry only if errors occurred during them