Testing against idfdev
You can run mobu locally while having all of the actual business run against services in idefdev
(or any other environment).
Install the 1Password CLI.
Generate a personal idfdev gafaelfawr token generated with an
scope.Put this token in a
data-dev.lsst.cloud personal token
entry in your personal 1Password vault.Run mobu locally with something like this shell script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail config_dir="/tmp/mobu_test" config_file="mobu_config.yaml" config_path="$config_dir/$config_file" mkdir -p "$config_dir" # Note: This whitespace must be actual <tab> chars! cat <<-'END' >"$config_path" logLevel: debug githubRefreshApp: acceptedGithubOrgs: - lsst-sqre githubCiApp: users: - username: bot-mobu-ci-local-1 - username: bot-mobu-ci-local-2 scopes: - "exec:notebook" - "exec:portal" - "read:image" - "read:tap" acceptedGithubOrgs: - lsst-sqre autostart: - name: "my-test" count: 1 users: - username: "bot-mobu-my-test-local" scopes: - "exec:notebook" business: type: "NotebookRunnerCounting" options: repo_url: "https://github.com/lsst-sqre/dfuchs-test-mobu.git" repo_ref: "dfuchs-test-pr" max_executions: 10 restart: true - name: "my-other-test" count: 1 users: - username: "bot-mobu-my-test-local2" scopes: - "exec:notebook" business: type: "NotebookRunnerCounting" options: repo_url: "https://github.com/lsst-sqre/dfuchs-test-mobu.git" repo_ref: "main" max_executions: 10 restart: true - name: "dfuchs-test-tap" count: 1 users: - username: "bot-mobu-dfuchs-test-tap" scopes: ["read:tap"] business: type: "TAPQuerySetRunner" options: query_set: "dp0.2" restart: true - name: "tap" count: 1 users: - username: "bot-mobu-dfuchs-test-tap-query" scopes: ["read:tap"] business: type: "TAPQueryRunner" options: queries: - "SELECT TOP 10 * FROM TAP_SCHEMA.tables" restart: true END export MOBU_CONFIG_PATH="$config_path" export MOBU_ENVIRONMENT_URL=https://data-dev.lsst.cloud export MOBU_GAFAELFAWR_TOKEN=$(op read "op://Employee/data-dev.lsst.cloud personal token/credential") export MOBU_GITHUB_REFRESH_APP_WEBHOOK_SECRET=$(op read "op://RSP data-dev.lsst.cloud/mobu/github-refresh-app-webhook-secret") export MOBU_GITHUB_CI_APP_WEBHOOK_SECRET=$(op read "op://RSP data-dev.lsst.cloud/mobu/github-ci-app-webhook-secret") export MOBU_GITHUB_CI_APP_ID=$(op read "op://RSP data-dev.lsst.cloud/mobu/github-ci-app-id") export MOBU_GITHUB_CI_APP_PRIVATE_KEY=$(op read "op://RSP data-dev.lsst.cloud/mobu/github-ci-app-private-key" | base64 -d) export UVICORN_PORT=8001 uvicorn mobu.main:create_app 2>&1