Testing GitHub integrations

The GitHub integrations can be tested locally by pointing your local mobu at the idfdev env, and using a services like https://smee.io to proxy GitHub webhooks to your local mobu.

Test repo

This repo has a bunch of different notebooks in a bunch of different directories, some of which intentionally throw exceptions. It contains a script to update certain notebooks, conditionally updating the poison ones. The data-dev Mobu CI app in the lsst-sqre GitHub org, is currently installed and configured to work with this repo.


You can use https://smee.io to proxy GitHub webhook requests from the data-dev Mobu CI GitHub app to your local mobu.

  1. Install the tool from [smee.io](https://smee.io/).

  2. Start it up and point it at your one of local mobu’s GitHub webhook endpoints (the CI endpoint in this example):

    ❯ smee -p 8000 -P /mobu/github/ci/webhook
    Forwarding https://smee.io/kTysHB50d4pgUmRN to
  3. Configure the [data-dev GitHub Mobu CI app](organizations/lsst-sqre) to send webooks to the smee URL.

  4. Run your local mobu against the idfdev env, as described here.

  5. Point your local mobu at a local or remote git Safir .

    index ce732db..ce2d693 100644
    --- a/requirements/main.in
    +++ b/requirements/main.in
    @@ -22,6 +22,6 @@ pydantic-settings
    +# safir>=5.0.0
    # For testing against a local safir
    +-e /home/danfuchs/src/safir/safir
    # For testing against a remote git safir
    +safir @ git+https://github.com/lsst-sqre/safir@<branch>#subdirectory=safir
  6. Patch your local or remote git Safir to handle the malformed requests that smee.io sends. The requests sent by the smee proxy have :port suffixes in the X-Forwarded-For values. Safir doesn’t handle this (and I don’t think it’s Safir’s fault; I _think_ the port should be in X-Forwarded-Port), so you have to change Safir:

    index 2a3f40c..7211241 100644
    --- a/src/safir/middleware/x_forwarded.py
    +++ b/src/safir/middleware/x_forwarded.py
    @@ -116,5 +116,5 @@ class XForwardedMiddleware:
             return [
    -            for addr in (a.strip() for a in forwarded_for_str[0].split(","))
    +            for addr, _ in (a.strip().split(':') for a in forwarded_for_str[0].split(","))
                 if addr